上海衆翺實業有(yǒu)限公司 Shanghai ZA Industry Co;Ltd
ADD:85#SHENGWA Road,pudong,Shanghai China ADD: PHONE:13611882745 PHONE: CONTEXT:Zhiping.Gao CONTEXT:Chen FAX:021-58153130 FAX: | ||||
圖片 Photo | 名稱 Name | 設備規格及參數(全部采用不鏽鋼耐腐蝕性特别強) Equipment specifications and parameters
| 數量 | 單價(人民币) |
1:輸送帶 | Conveyor belt 1:本輸送帶電機(jī)配備上海大速全銅電機(jī),電機(jī)功率1.5KW,且可(kě)以按照生産要求調解輸送速度; The conveyor motor speed copper and Shanghai with a motor, motor power 1.5KW, in ordance with production requirements and can mediate transmission speed; 2:輸送帶采用PVC3.0材質的(de)皮帶,具有(yǒu)耐磨、防滑、防腐蝕、防滲漏、使用年(nián)限長(cháng)等優點,是客戶首選材質; Conveyor belt materials using PVC3.0 with wear-resistant, non-slip, anti-corrosion, anti-leakage, long service life, etc., is the first choice material; 3:輸送帶根據生産需求寬度800mm,長(cháng)度是6000mm,高(gāo)度根據破碎機(jī)設置; The width of conveyor belt ording to production needs 800mm, length 6000mm, height under the crusher setting; | 2 | 價格面議 |
5:900型強力粉碎機(jī) | 900-strong Crusher 1:此款破碎機(jī)具有(yǒu)高(gāo)強力,粉碎尺寸均勻,出料速度快等優點采用高(gāo)碳鋼經過精湛專業打磨工藝使其具有(yǒu)表面光滑等優點; This section crusher with high strength, uniform size crushing, the material speed, etc. After a consummate professional high carbon steel with a grinding process to smooth the surface, etc.; 2:刀片采用日本進口SKD3型材質,具有(yǒu)鋒利,超級耐磨,遇熱不變形,且采用三角型刀架,大大提升破碎速度,定刀6把,動刀9把,經過科(kē)學(xué)專業配比,使其具有(yǒu)真正的(de)強大粉碎效果,是真正意義的(de)強力粉碎機(jī); Blade material imported from Japan SKD3 type, with a sharp, super-resistant when exposed to heat deformation, and the use of triangular knife, broken greatly enhance the speed, fixed knife 6, knife 9, after the ratio of science to truly powerful crushing effect is truly powerful grinder; 3:本900型強力粉碎機(jī)電機(jī)配備上海大速全銅電機(jī),電機(jī)功率45KW,超級加大口徑900*600,提升進料速度與數量;産能可(kě)以達到1500KG/H, This powerful grinder motor with a 900-speed copper and Shanghai motor, motor power 45KW, 900 * 600 super caliber to increase and enhance the speed and quantity of feed; production capacity up to 1500KG / H, 4:電機(jī)設有(yǒu)過載保護開關,操作簡單,安全可(kě)靠,進料部位采用密封設置,防止散料非常機(jī)械外; Motor with overload protection switch, easy, safe and reliable feed set or sealed to prevent the bulk material outside the very mechanical; 5:篩網直接按照客戶生産要求設置; Screen set directly in ordance with customer production requirements; | 2 | 價格面議 |
| 7:加熱攪拌鍋 | Heating and stirring pot
1:經過雙層設計的(de)加熱鍋爐,能夠快捷有(yǒu)效的(de)去(qù)除塑料片的(de)油漬,污漬 After double designed heating boiler, can be fast and effective removal of plastic film grease, stains
2:本輸送帶電機(jī)配備上海大速全銅電機(jī),電機(jī)功率5.5KW; The conveyor belt motor with great speed Shanghai copper motor, motor power 5.5KW;
3:設備直徑1900mm,高(gāo)度2000mm; Device diameter 1900mm, height 2000mm; 翻譯結果重試 抱歉,系統響應超時,請稍後再試 Translation :Heating mixing Potф1900*H2000 5.5KW(inverter) 1set | 2 | 價格面議 |
| 10:雙螺杆漂洗龍(加磨片) | Single screw rinsing Dragon ( plus. )
1:經過雙螺杆漂洗把雜質和(hé)商(shāng)标類紙質去(qù)除,把雜質從瓶片中分離(lí)出來,經過第一(yī)個單螺杆漂洗龍後,潔淨度可(kě)以達到98%; After a single screw rinse impurities and trademarks of paper to remove the impurities from the bottle, separated, after a first single screw rinsing dragon, clean degree can reach 70%; 2:本輸送帶電機(jī)配備上海大速全銅電機(jī),電機(jī)功率4KW; The conveyor belt motor with great speed Shanghai copper motor, motor power 4KW; 3:設備直徑400mm,高(gāo)度6000mm Device diameter400mm, height6000mm; Translation Single screw washing tank (reinforced rub)ф400*6000 4KW1set | 3 | 價格面議 |
| 12:立式脫水機(jī) | Vertical dewatering machine
1:快速脫水(脫油),脫水效果好,零件無水漬殘留,避免工件氧化或生鏽,提升成品光澤度 ,脫水槽及外殼為(wèi)不鏽鋼材質,防腐防鏽,堅固耐用,本脫水機(jī)采用整體不鏽鋼和(hé)鑄鐵制造;并設有(yǒu)刹車器,提高(gāo)使用效率及操作安全性 、結構合理(lǐ),功能實用,可(kě)靠耐用 Rapid dehydration ( oil ), good dewatering effect, parts water stain residue, avoiding the oxidation or rust, upgrade products gloss, de watering tank and the shell is made of stainless steel, anti-corrosi on rust-proof, sturdy and durable, the dewatering machine adopts t he integral stainless steel and cast iron; and a brake device, impr ove the efficiency and safety of operation, structure reasonable, fu nctional and practical, reliable and durable 2:本輸送帶電機(jī)配備上海大速全銅電機(jī),電機(jī)功率5KW; The conveyor belt motor with great speed Shanghai copper motor, motor power 5 KW;
3:設備高(gāo)度1100mm、長(cháng)度5000mm、寬度1000mm; The height of the equipment 1100mm, length 5000mm, width 1000mm; Translation :Cemtrifugal dehydrator L 2430*W900*H2400KW 1set | 1 | 價格面議 |
| 烘幹機(jī) | Wind machine with 4KW + 8KW electrothermal wind barrel
1:經過熱風吹進熱風筒,把脫水機(jī)餘下的(de)水分烘幹; After the hot air blowing hot air cylinder, the remaining moisture drying dewatering machine;
2:本輸送帶電機(jī)配備上海大速全銅電機(jī),電機(jī)功率4KW風機(jī)+8KW電熱過風桶; The conveyor belt motor with great speed Shanghai copper motor, motor power 4KW fan + 8KW electrothermal wind barrel;
3:設備直徑600mm,高(gāo)度2000mm; Device diameter 600mm, height 2000mm; Translation Blower 4KW+8KW HotTankф600*2000 7.5KW1set |
| 價格面議 |
備注 |
| 此設備可(kě)以每小時出清洗好的(de)PET料2T左右!請比較! |
上海衆翺實業有(yǒu)限公司(Shanghai Zhongao Industry Co.,Ltd)主營:脫标機(jī)剝紙機(jī) 粉碎機(jī) 上料機(jī) 清洗機(jī) 烘幹機(jī) 脫水機(jī)攪拌機(jī) 立卧式攪拌機(jī) 以及整套清洗設備
聯系電話:13611882745 高(gāo)小姐 (銷售經理(lǐ))
18019312745王小姐 (銷售專員)
13564662735楊先生 (銷售見習)
1、 堅持誠信、熱情做(zuò)人和(hé)做(zuò)企業的(de)基本原則,言必行(xíng),行(xíng)必果;
2、 走創新技術之路,為(wèi)客戶提供質量過硬,性價比高(gāo)的(de)産品;